It just makes sense.

Like most things in Iowa, my journey from woodlands to wellness wasn't too flashy; it just made sense. In the heart of the heartland, I've cultivated the remarkable aronia berry, unlocking its bounty of health benefits and flavor.

But my motivation goes beyond personal betterment; it's about sharing this superb superfruit with others to enhance not just lifespan, but also healthspan.

Join us on this edible expedition to better health and experience the transformative wonder of today!

- “Grandma Sharon”

In 2010, I found myself at a conference with my husband Al, a certified Iowa Master Woodland owner. While he delved into the world of woodlands, I found myself drawn to a session on alternative crops, hosted by Tom Wahl of Red Fern Farms in Iowa. There, I discovered the humble aronia berry, with its incredible health benefits and surprisingly easy cultivation process. It was like stumbling upon a hidden treasure in our own backyard.

Why weren't more people growing these little powerhouses, I wondered? They're native to our area, packed with goodness, yet often overlooked due to their raw bitterness. But I saw potential. These berries could be transformed into juice, wine, tea, jam, and even freeze-dried powder, opening up a world of possibilities.

In 2012, fueled by passion and a desire to share the benefits of aronia berries with others, I took the leap and started Healthy Groves. I cleared part of our woodland property and planted my first 75 bushes. Over the years, the aronia family grew to 100 strong, despite challenges like droughts and deer encounters. But with dedication and a bit of ingenuity, Healthy Groves overcame each obstacle, nurturing our bushes under the warm sun and mulch.

Patience paid off. Four years later, our bushes bore fruit, quite literally. Our harvests grew from a humble gallon to a whopping 350 pounds in 2022. It was a proud moment, but also a turning point. I needed to find a way to share our bounty beyond our circle.

After networking and guidance from the American Aronia Berry Association, I found a solution: freeze-drying. With the help of a small manufacturing plant near Algona, IA, our berries were transformed into vibrant, nutrient-packed delights. It wasn't just about preserving berries; it was about preserving health and happiness.

In September 2022, as the berries were handpicked and carefully transported to be freeze-dried, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. This was more than just a product; it was a dream realized, thanks to the support of loved ones like my husband, Al, and mentors like Tom Wahl and Michael McNeil. Together with my sons, EB and John, we crafted a story of resilience, passion, and the belief in the power of nature.

And so, from our grove to your table, I present, a labor of love and a testament to the wonders of aronia berries.

With gratitude,

"Grandma Sharon"